From Baltimore with Protest - NFT Photography Collection Releasing January 31

From Baltimore with Protest is a collection which embodies the spirit of change and urgency for progress. For ourselves and future generations.
Throughout history, black people have endured unfathomable struggles - notably so in pre-civil rights America. Over the last two centuries, these experiences have laid the foundation for change.
With resilience and constant trailblazing - women have achieved the right to vote and are on the path to equality between genders.
No matter your race, class, or gender - we all deserve the unburdened pursuit of happiness. As people inspire to fight for justice and equality, whether it's for our earth, or earth's inhabitants - we all should strive to make a positive change in the world.
May 25, 2020 - George Floyd is murdered.
On May 26, protests erupted in Minneapolis, and by the weekend the world had taken to the streets.
This collection was shot the weekend following George Floyd’s murder. June 1st, 2020.
Baltimore, the nation, and the world took to the streets. From Los Angeles to Bogota, Johannesburg to Kolkata, Barcelona to Hong Kong. Across 60 countries we took to city centers to participate in the largest collective protest in history. It has been estimated that upwards of 26 million people in the U.S. alone played a role.
This collection holds dear to my heart and captures moments which can never be recaptured. Never replicated. Emotions which transpired in real time. I truly hope that by viewing these photos you are able to feel, even just for a second what it may have been like attend one of these events. Or at the least, respect what people are fighting for regardless of where you may fall on the political aisle.
Even at this point in our history, as we feel more divided than ever, its vital to remember that we share more in common than not.

My intention is to highlight the memory of not only George Floyd, but all those who came before him, from Freddie Gray to Sandra Bland. Also to call out the hard work which was done behind the scenes by individuals present to aid with medical help, food, water, and the clean up during these historic protests.
Lastly, I am pledging to donate 20% of all royalty sales from this photo collection to Action Against Hunger. As one of the most highly rated charities by watchdog groups - including Charity Watch & Charity Navigator in order to help the most vulnerable.
A saying I once heard which can be felt - comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
From Baltimore with Protest. Each is a 1 of 1. The collection will be live on OpenSea on January 31, 2022. The prices will range between .1 - .2 eth. Thank you for your support.