Modern Day Minority's Skeleton Derivative Release

ETHOS T – shirt & hoodie drop. Tanner Alexander was shot by Sahil Ranjhan for the featured image. Los Angeles 2021.
Hoodie – slated with the ethos over the heart, “individually you are a minority, collectively we are the majority”, this is at the root at what our community stands for. The underlying black cross portrays the faith I have in the message. My purpose. To transcend borders & value human connection. This can only be done though the help of everyone in our community.
In 2020, Modern Day Minority donated 10% of all proceeds to the ‘Know Your Rights Camp’. In 2021 we transitioned our donation partner to ‘Feeding America' to help the most vulnerable during the Covid 19 pandemic. Through 2022, we continue to pledge 10% of all proceeds to Feeding America.
Chris Board of the Baltimore Ravens was shot above by Sahil Ranjhan.
Ultimately, strength will be in numbers and sometimes I think we lose sight of the simple fact that we are all human.. We are not perfect, but that does not mean we cannot continue to strive for change. For progress. We will and can continue to use our voice.
We’re made of the same bones which piece us together like a puzzle. Adding to the more conscious side of our being – the pedals showcase that beauty that we all have inside. While there is and seemingly may be chaos in the world, most of us aim to live in harmony because we care… We are all main characters of our own story, sharing the world with the people around us is one of the great aspects make this crazy thing we call life work.
Leading into the T’s, slated with the typography of “judge me from the inside out”. The pieces are complimentary to one another, but the t shirt putting it a bit more bluntly. Each of us have our own story to live. This being the third installation in Modern Day Minority, we are continuing with our promise to give back with 10% of proceeds going to Feeding America.
We ran a virtual shoot entitled: “Digital Dash”